

5 Of The World’s Most Sustainable Cities

What Does Sustainable City Mean? Sustainable cities offer optimal quality of life to their current residents without reducing the opportunities for future residents to have fulfilling lives and flourish in their environment. These are cities that are designed with considerations for social, economic, and environmental impact, creating a resilient habitat that will continue to prosper […]

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Sustainable Outdoor Furniture

We have seen them all before; old, sun-faded, and dilapidated outdoor furniture that is barely holding itself together. Cheaply made and destined for landfill, it is far too common a sight in the backyards, parks, and common areas of New Zealand and beyond. As New Zealand’s park and street furniture experts, we understand the importance […]

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Healthy Cities & Urban Planning

Across the globe, more and more people are choosing to live in urban areas as opposed to rural areas. Cities and urban areas are attractive to people as they often provide more opportunities for employment, and access to better services such as health and education. On the surface, cities may appear to hold a lot […]

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5 Essential Things Every Public Park Needs

In the world of urban planning, green spaces are an extremely important element. This is especially true here in picturesque New Zealand, where our natural environment is second to none. But what makes a perfect public park? There are some elements that are hard to ignore as being integral to a great green space, as […]

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The Importance of Parks and Open Spaces

The Importance of Parks Perhaps one of the elements of urban planning that are taken for granted most often, recreational areas and parks are important for a vast number of reasons. They provide the opportunity for far-reaching benefits on the health, economy, and natural environment of your local community. If you are wondering why parks […]

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Will Public Spaces Change After Isolation?

In cities around the world, public spaces emphasise our human desire for inclusion and sharing. With common assets, public spaces allow us to congregate, meet, relax, share, and play. Since the outbreak of the global pandemic COVID-19, cities, societies, and humans have changed in ways we have never experienced. With the introduction of social distancing, […]

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2020 Vision: Open Space Planning and Design Trends

Welcome to 2020! Urban Effects had a great 2019 thanks to our involvement in street and park projects around New Zealand. In 2020, our commitment to providing refreshingly different outdoor furniture solutions is as strong as ever. So, we’ve started the year by looking at the latest trends in urban planning and design, and landscape […]

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5 Things Every Healthy City Needs

When people hear the term ‘healthy city’, most imagine inclusive communities with green, lush environments and happy, healthy individuals. Indeed, these are all important parts of what makes a healthy city, but it is much more complicated than that. Healthy city planning is a complex field aimed at improving the lives of residents and the […]

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For the love of bikes (and the people that ride them)!

Around 1 in 5 New Zealanders own a bike and, according to the Cycling Action Network, more and more of us are using peddle power to get to school and work. They estimate more than 45,000 people ride to work (about 3% of commuters), and that number is increasing in cities like Auckland, Wellington and […]

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Waste not, want not. 5 parks that are changing the way we look at waste

Five of the 50 anti-pollution actions listed in a recent UN Environment report touch on solid waste. One of them emphasises that carefully crafted regulation and policies at the national level are pivotal to moving economies to be more sustainable. On a practical level, some clever waste management projects are proving that parks can have a […]

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Water for all on World Water Day

It’s World Water Day today March 22. This year, the United Nations has chosen the theme Water for all to highlight just how important it is for people the world over to have access to clean, fresh water. In New Zealand, we’re fortunate to have an abundant supply of water. We rank in the top […]

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A safe seat: can buddy benches banish bullying and build better communities?

Rates of bullying in New Zealand are alarming compared to other countries – with roughly a fifth of NZ students saying they are frequently bullied. In Australia, more than one in five students reported feeling like an outsider and awkward at school, while 16 per cent said they were lonely. Across the globe, a simple […]

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The Growth of Community Gardens

Are you looking to promote healthy lifestyles in your community, all the while encouraging locals to get outside and connect with each other? A community garden could be the answer. Bursting with character and raw beauty, each community garden is unique, and holds a special place in the hearts of those who contribute to its […]

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