

Spotlight: Moonstone park bench

With stone and concrete commercial outdoor seating becoming increasingly popular, the moonstone bench has emerged as a bold statement of what modern decorative benches can be. Shaped like a flat water-skipping stone, this modern bench seat offers a seamless aesthetic appeal and comfortable place to rest. If you’re looking for the perfect centrepiece to complete your outdoor space, […]

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Spotlight: Realgar Bench

The Appeal of Stone What do concrete, marble and granite outdoor stone construction materials all have in common? They are all increasing in value and are deemed as popular stone outdoor furniture alternatives throughout many modern architectural designs. Not only that, but they possess incredible durability in all seasons of the year whilst coming in […]

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Striking the Balance Between Style and Sustainability

Solar panels and wind farms are generally the first products that spring to mind when we talk about sustainable design, however another way to significantly reduce your carbon footprint is by using eco-friendly building materials. What is sustainable design? Sustainable design relates to the practice of creating products that comply with the principles of ecological […]

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What is the Best Street Furniture for a Seafront Promenade?

Street furniture to take in the view Seafront promenades are naturally beautiful locations, allowing pedestrians to appreciate the rolling waves and fresh sea air as they go about their day. The best promenades encourage people to not simply pass by, but stop and drink in the view. Achieving this is all about creative design and […]

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5 considerations for City Councils when installing street furniture

Installing street furniture Street furniture installation can be difficult even when you think you’ve accounted for everything. Here are five easy tips to help you turn your plan into reality. Design When designing your street furniture installation, make sure it’s consistent with the rest of the public space. Consider the types of users likely to […]

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Cleverly designed street furniture

Street and park furniture is much more than just a place to sit down. Many street furniture designs artistically incorporate concepts and motifs from history and culture. Here are our top three favourite designs from New Zealand. Project Plim Matau Public Furniture was tasked with designing pieces of street furniture that both serve the needs […]

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How to create a sustainable community park

A community park can provide many benefits to the neighbourhood. In addition to beautifying the urban landscape, parks contribute to improved health, reduced crime, social bonding and even better academic performance for children. However, as parks require significant upkeep, it’s important to ensure they are built sustainably, reducing waste and conserving natural resources to continue […]

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5 Street Furniture Designs You Wish Were on Your Street

At Urban Effects, we love playful and unique urban designs. We find it endlessly fascinating how creative ideas – whether they’re in the form of an unusual public sculpture or a quirky bench built out of sustainable materials – can transform and optimise a space, define and celebrate a community, and bring people together to […]

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Using Colour in Urban Landscapes

When people think of modern day urban spaces in large cities, some of us still have a mental image of dull, grey scenes that can look a little sad or depressing. With the wealth of modern street furniture available nowadays there is no reason for this to be the case. Urban landscapes can look fantastic […]

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5 Essential Pieces of Street & Park Furniture for Outdoor Urban Spaces

When designing an outdoor urban space, you are usually limited by the size of the area. This is where creative design comes into play! Choosing the right items of street and park furniture is important as they need to optimise the use of space. Below are five essential pieces of street and park furniture that […]

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Monday Inspiration – Amazing urban furniture around the world

Here at Urban Effects, we love supplying refreshingly different, stylish urban furniture to create great outdoor spaces for people to enjoy. We also love getting inspired by the amazing urban landscape around the world and staying updated on the latest trends. Today we give you some handpicked inspiration in the form of great street furniture […]

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